"Cops Say Legalize Drugs. Ask Me Why." Peter Christ, Captain of the Tonawanda, NY Police Department (Ret.) and co-founder of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, wearing his LEAP shirt. (source)
"Cops Say Legalize Drugs. Ask Me Why." Howard "Cowboy" Wooldridge (former detective, LEAP member) with his horse, Misty. (source)
"Stop the Violence: Legalize Drugs." Jim Gierach, former Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County, IL, USA, member of Law Enforcement Action Partnership, speaking in a video about LEAP's support of and involvement in the Caravan for Peace. (2012, source)
(Drug) Prohibition. It still doesn't work. (source)
Their security demands your vote. Repeal. Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform. (1932, about the poster, source)
Classic 1920's flasks: Dancer reveals her garter flask; Woman arrested for the crime of “dispensing wet goods.” (source)
1920's cane flask; Dummy book, The Four Swallows. (source)
Are you for the people and Personal Liberty? Or the Prohibitionists and the Anti-Saloon League? (1930-33, AAPA, source)
Automobiles kill thousands yearly. They aid in the commission of robbery, theft and murders. They make possible the rule of bootleggers. They corrupt youth and popularize petting parties, (and) promote extravagence. The Constitution should prohibit them! #sarcasm (1930-33, AAPA, source)
Prohibition created class distinction in America; for the rich there is no prohibition. (1930-33, AAPA, source)
Prohibition has "taken drink out of the country" and put it in the Hip-Pocket. (1930-33, AAPA, source)
Shall we continue a nation of lawbreakers? (source)
Prohibition Probes postcards created by the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment. (1930-33, AAPA, source)
Prohibition Probes postcards created by the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment. (1930-33, AAPA, source)
Drug dealers don't ask for ID (Anyone's Child: Families for Safer Drug Control, source)
Would you rather they take drugs that are regulated or unregulated? (Anyone's Child: Families for Safer Drug Control, source)
A doctor's appointment or a criminal record? (Anyone's Child: Families for Safer Drug Control, source)
All I want is more marijuana prohibition. It's good for my business. - Mexican Drug Cartels. (MHM 10/2009, source)
Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? We can fix that. All we need to do is start a war on education. (source)
Don't legalize it. You'll destroy my business model. - Dealers and Cartels (source)
Drugs can ruin your life, so if I catch you with them I'm sending you to jail and ruining your life. (source)
Evicted for use of a non-Kosher medical drug, Delestrogen, violating their landlord's NO DRUGS*(that I don't like) policy. Reddit Post from the r/LoveForLandlords community. (2020 screenshot, source)
18th-Century Slavery vs. 21st-Century War on Drugs. Prison Industrial Complex and Institutional Racism. (, 2006, source)
The home of an indulgent mother. Piecing (i.e. snacking) between meals. Patent medicines and soothing syrups. Plenty of pickles and pork. Mexicanized dishes and pepper sauces. Candies and rich pastries. Tea, coffee and coca. Sodas, pop and gingerale. Tobacco and cigarettes. Cards, dice and pool. Liquor and strong drink. A drunkard's grave. (1915, about, source)
The law must recognize a leading fact, medical not penal treatment reforms the drunkard. Founding members of the Keeley League, Dwight, Illinois (1891, about, source)
Equality for all, except for those behind bars. Promotional image for the Netflix documentary 13TH (2016, source)
People who use drugs do not lose their human rights (by UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, 2016, source)
Drug Prohibition: Here is a thing. I Love it, but lets get rid of the unusual bits, so it fits with everything else. (by Alex Norris at, 2017, source)
Q: Is it time to end the war on drugs? Police, Banks, Drug Cartels (and Prohibitionist Politicians) all say No. (Created by Tim Kelly, source)
Prohibition Failed! Please do something about it. It is your chance - Vote the Straight Democratic Ticket. (Art Poster Service, 1932, source)
All images are sourced from publicly available websites and owned by their rights holders.